+ISDX Pro/SURFACE Level 6 introduction
Course Description: 16 Hours or 24 hours
Tuition: $1200.00 US $1500.00
Overview: ISDX is the interactive (updates
in real time) surfacing module from PTC. ISDX is quite revolutionary in
that it combines push and pull like efforts of Alias or Rhino and gives
those functions to Designers and Engineers who create products. This class
is perfect for Industrial Designers with previous Alias or Rhino experience.
This class is also great for those Engineers looking to capture form within
a product design arena.
Prerequisite: 'Level 1 Workshp' or the
design engine weeklong Pro/SURFACE intensive is required for this class.
- Overview of the ISDX Module
- Design Terminology
- Different modeling approaches with respect to ISDX usage.
- Boundary techniques utilized by high-end surface modelers in the auto
- Overview of correct surfacing techniques drawing from standard surfacing
tools such as Alias and Rhino.
- Discuss using Pro/SURFACE parametric controls combined with ISDX strengths.
- Discuss with examples extra ordinary robust modeling techniques for
proving form.
- learn basics of surface edit and experiment with different surface
edit techniques with various examples all while maintaining continuity.

ISDX is used in this model to quickly create this bike seat
Note: This class is administered differently
to Engineers who are interested in capturing form from those industrial
designers interested in proving form.
Onsite Training: This course can be customized
for specific products and documented before the class is administered.
CAD or Product managers should call to inquire about custom tutorial
development and costs for onsite training. We also offer a subscription for
custom tutorials.

Proving form with this Fridge handle Pro/SURFACE and ISDX. Multiple iteration
each fifteen minutes.

Harley Rear Seat Modeled real time by the instructor in the class

This Northrop unmanned air craft requires specific techniques
beyond just knowing how to use ISDX. Techniques and tips for
modeling techniques.
- Hood Scoop Model (rebuild using ISDX from Level 1 class)
- Smile Tutorial (rebuild using ISDX from Level 1 class)
- Fridge Handle
- Consumer Chair Model
- Harley Rear Seat
- Water Pitcher
- Bike Racing Seat
- bionic finger
- human face

ISDX Water Pitcher
- discuss with examples the new features of Wildfire 5.0
- Learn Surface Edit functions within various examples

Bionic Finger manipulated with Surface Edit functions within Pro/ENGINEER
ISDX WF 4.0 and WF 5.0

Bionic Finger manipulated with Surface Edit functions within Pro/ENGINEER
ISDX WF 4.0 and WF 5.0