New clients: , Rubbermaid, Mabe and Milsco
Regular clients: Triumph Motorcycles, British
Aerospace, Harley Davidson, Skill Bosch Powertools, Guidant, Compaq, Kohler,
IDEO, Rubbermaid, John Deere, Hayworth and BMW.
12.10.03 DE|E modifies it's three week
comprehensive course to include MAYA modeling and rendering curriculum
for tooling and manufacturing. The course is intended for industrial designers.
It is a WIA funded program. Our first three week comprehensive MAYA workshop
starts March 1st 2004
11.24.03 DE|E's first WIA funded student
gets a job at Motorola Cellular Subscriber Group in Libertyville. Although
Kai had a masters in Engineering coming into our training, it was his
three weeks of surfacing in Wildfire that made him attractive to his new
team leaders.
11.13.03 DE|E with PTC, Steelcase, HP,
put on another
48tofly event. Combine six industrial designers in a room full
of Steelcase furniture, with HP/Compaq computers, PTC's latest software,
some 19" Wacom tablets and a fridge full of Red Bull. What do you
get? Read the article on Design-engine.com
09.30.03 Federal
Funding: is now available for Design Engine
students: We are
now a Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Certified training provider . Although
you do not have to be unemployed to take advantage of this Federal Grant
you will have to speak to your local ' 'Unemployment Case Worker' or call
us for more information.
Learn more. This federal funding means you can change careers
to learn product design or enhance your current skills with three weeks
of surfacing for example.
09.24.03 Design-engine.com
announced the third annual 2003 photoreal competition winners, featuring
furniture. Nike Design Director Scott Wilson wins overall. http://www.design-engine.com/competition/
07.20.03 DE|E modifies it's three week
comprehensive course to accommodate any course offered for a three week
period. This could encompasses a week of Alias Studio, a week of Pro/ENGINEER
and a week of projects.
06.6.03 DE|E founder writes article on
the newest release of Pro/ENGINEER called Wildfire on Design-engine.com
05.15.03 SkilBosh Powertools sent several
teams for Pro/SURFACE level one training.
04.15.03 PTC asks DE to create renderings
for the June Pro/ENGINEER world event.
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